Unlock your execution capacity

Process Mining

99% of success is good execution. And 100% of good execution lies in your processes — the day-to-day running of your enterprise. But most companies are not executing their processes at full capacity. You only need to look at your core business processes to see it. Why? Because processes are forced to run across a rigid and fragmented technology landscape.

Companies are trying to run 2020s business initiatives on 1980s business infrastructure. The result is billions of dollars’ worth of corporate inefficiencies. To make sure you’re executing at maximum capacity and eliminating those inefficiencies, you need to find the gaps in your processes and fix them, day in, day out.

What is the Problem?

Reality is not so simple

How the process was designed

How companies think the process runs

How the process actually runs

Discover Execution Management

How the EMS works


360° Data

Applications and Instruments leverage Process Mining technology to extract data in real-time from source systems and measure capacity. They identify and visualize the execution gaps limiting execution capacity.


Process Intelligence

Execution Applications know the right course of action to close gaps. Based on machine learning and execution best practices, they suggest the best steps to eliminate the most impactful execution gaps and help maximize execution capacity.


Targeted Action

Execution Applications take action in a number of ways, both by automating realtime actions across systems, as well as deploying the right people to remove gaps.

Process Mining as

The Missing Link

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